Journal Papers


  • McQuerry, J.A., Jenkins, D.F., Yost, S.E., Zhang, Y., Schmolze, D., Johnson, W.E., Yuan, Y. and Bild, A.H., (2019). Pathway activity profiling of growth factor receptor network and stemness pathways differentiates metaplastic breast cancer histological subtypes. BMC cancer
  • Zhang, Y., Johnson, W. E., & Parmigiani, G. (2019). Robustifying genomic classifiers to batch effects via ensemble learning. bioRxiv


  • Zhang, Y., Bernau, C., Parmigiani, G., & Waldron, L. (2018). The impact of different sources of heterogeneity on loss of accuracy from genomic prediction models. Biostatistics (Oxford, England)
  • Zhang, Y., Jenkins, D. F., Manimaran, S., & Johnson, W. E. (2018). Alternative empirical Bayes models for adjusting for batch effects in genomic studies. BMC bioinformatics, 19(1), 262
  • Griffin, P. J., Zhang, Y., Johnson, W. E., & Kolaczyk, E. D. (2018). Detection of multiple perturbations in multi-omics biological networks. Biometrics

Conference Papers


  • Zhang, Y., Parmigiani, G., Johnson, W. E.. ComBat-Seq: batch correction algorithm for RNA-Seq count data. JSM 2019